Obamacare Propaganda Never Ends: NCAA Tourney

They couldn’t leave people alone during Thanksgiving. We had to deal with Pajama Boy for Christmas and now the NCAA basketball tournament isn’t safe from these imbeciles:

The Obama administration is banking on the popularity of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament to sell the Affordable Care Act to young Americans by using athletes, coaches and sports celebrities to encourage more youth to sign up.

The Obama administration is getting a case of March Madness for its latest effort to reach young and healthy consumers who have been slow to sign up for insurance under the new health care reform law, two weeks before a critical enrollment deadline.

The administration has marshaled athletes, coaches, and sports celebrities to help sell the law to the so-called “young invincibles,” whose participation is vital to the success of the insurance marketplaces, according to a White House official who described the blitz. Just 25 percent of enrollees are aged 18-35, well below the administration’s target.

Seriously, enough already. It’s bad enough when the media would slobber over themselves waiting for the President to fill in his brackets as if it was the most important event on the planet.

Now one of the most exciting sporting events of the year is going to be sullied by a bunch of players, coaches and celebrities pitching people to sign up for a crappy product they most likely do not use.

What’s next? The Stanley Cup? The World Series?

Leave us alone, Mr. President.